lunes, 28 de noviembre de 2011

The Prague School

The Prague school is the school of linguistic thought and analysis established in Prague in the 1920s by Vilém Mathesius. 
It included among its most prominent members the Russian linguist Nikolai Trutbezkoy and the Russian-born American linguist Roman Jakobson; the school was most active during the 19020's and 30's. Linguists of the Prague School stress the function of elements whithin language, the contrast of language elements to one another, and the total pattern or system formed by these contrasts, and they have distinguished themselves the study of study systems. They have developed distinctive-feature analysis of sounds; by this analysis, each distinctive sound.
Prague linguists, looked at languages as one might looked at a motor, seaking to understand what jobs the various components were doing and how the nature of one component determined the nature of others. 
One of the characteristics of the Prague approach to language was readiness to acknowledge that a given language might include a range of alternative "systems" ,"registers" or "styles" ,where American Descriptivist tended to insist on treating a language as single unitary system.

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